All comics and characters are fictional. Images and videos are computer-generated or hand-drawn.

Kingdom of the Isles 13

Bran had been pulling a cart of goods through Trettien city, and Karl was meant to be helping, or at least not hindering. In fact, whenever no one was around, Karl would hop onto the cart and allow Bran to pull him around. Bran might have said something about that if his mouth had not been full of the pony bit he was required to wear almost all of the time…

She Boy

She Boy: Because you’re the better girl. Because gender is your choice. Because you make the difference…

Container Boy

Liam Talford, 13 years old, dark brown hair is missing. Last seen heading home alone from scouts…
  • Author: fisal
  • Content: 45 Photos

Spanked at the ‘Y’

It’s year 1958. Willy and Vincent are heading to the pool. Vincent’s older brother, Troy the Tyrant, is the lifeguard in charge…